Delivery and service charges will be added to the price. The engine is not included in the boat price.
The contents of equipment packages and their availability may vary depending on country. Please check availability and content at your local Yamarin Cross dealer.
Inha Works Ltd reserves the right to change model, colour, trim, equipment and pricing without prior notice. Standard equipment may vary slightly from country to country. Brochures and web images display options and accessories that are not standard equipment. Performance data is indicative only. Ensure delivery contents from your local Yamarin Cross dealer.
Colours are reproduced as accurately as possible due to restrictions in printing technology.
The speeds shown above are indicative and have been reached under testing circumstances. In reality, speed - especially top speed, varies heavily. Wave state, wind, propeller choice, engine installation height, trim angle, trim tabs, cleanness of bottom, amount of fuel and load state all affect boat speed. Thus, the performance data given is not to be treated as a speed guarantee.